Seeing is Believing (Part 2)
August 29, 2020 (Post #47)
(From Journal #4: March 22, 2006)
Lord, there are two accounts in Matthew where You healed the blind, and asked them interesting, yet very different questions?
To the first men who kept following You and crying out for mercy, You asked in Matthew 9:27-29, …“Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.” Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.”
And to the second men sitting by the road who kept crying out to you for mercy, even though the crowd warned them to be quiet, You stood still and called them and asked in Matthew 20:32-34, “What do you want Me to do for you?” They said to Him, “Lord, that our eyes may be opened.” So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.”
These questions seem odd since in both cases the blind men followed, pursued, and shouted out for mercy. It seems obvious that in both cases they wanted their sight and believed You were able or they wouldn’t have been so persistent. Yet, You never asked the first men what they wanted, only if they believed You were able? That direct question made them answer what was truly in their hearts and “according to their faith” it was done for them.
The second men clearly believed You were able or they wouldn’t have kept calling out to You in spite of the crowd trying to stop them. So, why did You ask what they wanted when it seems so clear? I think it was a lesson for the unbelieving crowd…
These blind men had never been able to “see and believe” a miracle with their natural eyes as did the multitude who kept trying to silence them rather than believe they could be healed and try to help them get to You. They “believed without seeing” in the natural and “saw and believed” with spiritual eyes of faith! By asking what they wanted You to do for them, You gave them a choice to ask for what they really wanted and valued. They could have asked for wealth as well as their sight, but they didn’t. They knew if they could see with their natural eyes and follow You, everything else would take care of itself. They knew what was most important.
This is convicting, Lord. We can deceive ourselves into thinking that just because we follow You, we are full of faith. Yet in our hearts we don’t always “see and believe.” We see and hope maybe?
Matthew 13:16: But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.
Great reminder of how important true faith & trust are for believers in Christ.