Don’t Forget to Remember
December 6, 2019 (Post #19)
(From Journal #1: March 6, 2005)
I’ve been reading Matthew, and Matthew 11:12 jumped out at me: “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” I am struck by the phrase “forceful men lay hold of it.” I want to meditate and study this, and pray for revelation about what You want to show me, Lord.
John the Baptist was referred to as Elijah in Matthew 17:11-13. Malachi 4:5 prophesies “Elijah” will come before the day of the Lord. This is John the Baptist. After Malachi, there were no prophets for 400 years. In order to understand Matthew 11:12, I felt moved to study Elijah in 1 Kings 17.
Elijah meets a widow who thought she was totally defeated. She was gathering sticks to make a fire in order to prepare a tiny “last meal” for her son and her, and then to “die.” He told her not to be afraid, to go home and do as she said, but first make a small cake for him, and then make food for herself and her son. Elijah told her she would not run out of flour or oil until the Lord sends rain. She did what Elijah told her and her supplies did not run out for many days. This is in essence an example of tithing. If we obey the Lord and put Him first, He will use whatever resources we have, no matter how small it seems to us. He will magnify and multiply for as long as is needed.
Later the woman’s son became sick and he died, and she blamed Elijah! But she is the one who had spoken death into their lives. Elijah took the boy and cried to the Lord three times and the Lord brought him back to life! Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now by this I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth.”
Even though she had already seen and experienced a miracle from God, she did not really trust and believe. When her son got sick, she did not remember His faithfulness in the past. Trials come in our lives. We have to remember what the Lord has already done and have faith in Him to do it again.
Thanks…you always lift me up! Hope you have a wonderful Day!
Thank you! It blesses me that you are lifted up. The whole reason for this blog is to encourage others as the Lord has encouraged me.
Loved this message. It’s a good reminder for me. Thanks!
Thank you, Tara. I have to remind myself as well.