Recovering With the Redbirds
October 2, 2021 (Post #64)
(From Journal #9: May 1, 2007)
Finally had the hernia surgery a couple of days ago. The doctor had blocked off 45 minutes, but it turned out to be 3 hours! You exposed the darkness again; there were two more hernias behind this one. Instead of 4 incisions, I have 20! The pain afterward was excruciating. They gave me 4 or 5 narcotics and nothing helped. Finally they gave me some super anti-inflammatory and it stopped the pain, praise! Thank You for seeing me through it.
I’ve been recovering and resting on the couch in the sitting room. Yesterday, I kept seeing a male and female redbird going in/out of the butterfly bush by the window. Right there in the bush, not four feet off the ground, is a nest with three babies! Their mouths were wide open and hungry. Both the male and female took turns feeding them all day. Oh Lord, what a beautiful gift! I just love them.
Today, I’ve spent the past two hours just watching in awe. One of them left the nest and made his way far on the other side of the next bush. He’s a feisty little guy. When he first left the nest, I could see was scared and wobbly. His mother kept flying in to feed the other two still in the nest, but he would not be ignored. He followed his mother to the next bush and kept chirping at her! (…forceful men lay hold of it…) He must be the “Peter” of the three. The other two watched him. One seemed interested in getting out and the other kept huddling down in the comfort and security of the nest. Lord, what a spectacular thing to behold. How amazing are the works of Your hands? Thank you for giving me a front row seat to witness this while I recover.
We’re not so different from the birds, are we? We’re often too afraid to step out in faith and leave the secure nest. The father and mother kept circling the bush. They kept their eyes on him, but allowed him to venture out and try his wings. They didn’t abandon him, but allowed him to grow and to experience life. You do the same with us. You ask us to step out in faith, but You keep Your protective eyes on us as we wobble along the journey and strengthen our legs. We are not alone. What a lesson, Lord!
I left the room for a while and when I returned I saw how far Peter had traveled. I hope he and the others continue to call these bushes home and will visit often. He’s quite a “chirper.”
Matthew 6:25-26: ”Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet Your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
Psalm 34:15: The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.
John 14:18: I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.
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